
This might even be something worth reading

Hellu guys! First I wanted to let you all know that I'm feeling as good as ever, even though I'm back in Sweden. Second I just figured that I wanted to write this, cause I want to, and I find it important. Some of you might laugh it of or think that I'm whining, but I wanted to write it anyway.

Soon I've been back in Sweden for three months, and I'm actually really happy to be back. I miss Australia every day though, and I miss all the people. Actually had a really good dream last night in which all my amazing Australian friends came to Sweden and visited. A bit sad when I woke up and realised that it hadn't happened for real, but now you know that I miss you all, even though I'm the worst at staying in touch.

So, what is it that's sooo important that I'm wasting your, and my own time on this post. I don't think it's possible that anyone of my friends have missed that I really love Australia. I had the best year in my life there, and I loved living there, but the last three-four months I wasn't feeling too well and I wanted to go back to Sweden. I was feeling tired ALL the time, I slept way too much, I didn't do anything productive during my days, and if I worked/went to class/did something else I most often went home and slept after. I even felt too tired to hang out with my friends, sorry bout that! I convinced myself that I had become crazily lazy over the past months, and that I just had to get my shit together and stop being such a crybaby. So I kept on working, kept on studying, kept on partying, kept on eating unhealthy food, and kept on living my student life.

When I'm thinking back to it, I realise that I was coughing a lot, and that maybe it's weird to never feel energetic, or refreshed when you wake up, but all your friends were living the same life and they didn't feel like that, so as the stubborn person I am I decided that I was just being lazy. When I came back to Sweden I started working out a lot, haven't even mentioned the extra student kilos me and all my friends gained.. But yeah, I worked out a lot, still feeling tired, and after a month my ears started hurting like hell. I went to the doctor, as I thought, inflammation in my ears. I don't know why but even though I went to the doctor because of my ears, and even though the doctor found what the problem was, he wanted to do a general check on me. The doctor found that I had iron deficiency, anemia (blodbrist), and this is where the real surprise came: I had pneumonia (lunginflammation) (not even sure if these terms are right), and I probably had had it for a good while. So I walked around, maybe for months, tired, believing I had a cold and was being a crybaby when in fact I had an inflammation in my lungs..

I did not write this at all for people to feel bad for me, because as said, I'm feeling as good as ever now! What I wanted to say is that I want you all to take care of yourselves. I love partying, think most of you know that as well, and partying I did. Every month, every week, for a whole year. There were people that partied harder and more than me, that are just fine and that are still going hard. I also had friends that got more serious problems from drinking. You have to be aware of that you and your body actually do have limits, and take it easy with the alcohol even though it's hard when you're young and living the student life or whatever. Also, workout! I stopped working out sometime during my year, bad decision. Try to variate your food, and don't live on pasta and alcohol, that was a bad decision as well.

But as I said, my year in Australia was the best year ever, even though I had an unhealthy life style, but there's definitely some thing I would do differently if I moved abroad again haha. So yeah, this whole post was mostly a bro-tip for people that are reading my blog, take care of yourselves and take it easy. It is definitely worth skipping a night out every once in a while, and it is worth it to spend a little bit more money on food instead of alcohol. Haha, wish someone told me these things six months ago.. I definitely have learned a thing or two the last months. I also want to say that this wasn't the case for everybody, my lovely friends that were studying fitness came home hotter and healthier than ever, but for us who are having a hard time saying no to partying: take it easy!

And now to my life in Sweden! I got myself an apartment that I love. Actually today I started on my second job, and so far so good! Also I'm working on a subway restaurant on the weekends, and I really do like it, my colleagues are great. Other than that I'm not doing too much except for working out. My life is completely different to what it was in Australia haha.

Hope you got something out of this post, because I don't even know what I've written anymore. and here's some random pictures. Cheers!


Fun stuff from my last month in Australia

Hi guys! Just wanted to show you some fun stuff I was doing my last month in Australia. Probably gonna update something about how I'm coping with life back in Sweden soonish!

1. Rockpools, Noosa
2-4. Jungle Surfing, Daintree Rainforest
5-6. Bungy Jump Cairns


Time to go back to Swedeeen

Time to go back to Sweden! Okay, not quite yet. I can't really believe it myself, but I will be leaving this amazing country in exactly three weeks from now.. Can't believe that my year in Australia already is over, feels like I got here just a couple of months ago. I can sure say that it has been some of the craziest and funniest months of my life. I've met amazing people, seen great places, experienced awesome things, and actually also finished a diploma of International Business.

It was a long time ago since I updated here, as always, and I don't even know what I've done with my time since I last wrote something. Of course there's been a lot of partying, not to forget Halloween, horse race, new years, pool-parties, and heaps of goodbye parties. I've been on a roadtrip from Sydney back to here, the Sunshine Coast. Because of my friends that took me out surfing I got all hyped about surfing, and been trying to learn how to surf for the last weeks. There was also actually a point of time where I was studying heaps.. Except for that: beach, pool, chilling.

My last weeks here I will spend having as much fun as possible, and just chill around. The very last week I'm gonna go to Cairns (all by myseeeeelf) to conquer my fear of heights by bungy jumping, I'm also gonna go water rafting, and except for that I'll do whatever my budget allows to, which might be exploring the rainforest, barrier reef, or maybe jungle surfing. What's almost even better is, the night before I'm leaving, I'm gonna go see The Kooks in Brisbane. Words can't really explain how excited I am for that.

But yeah, Aussies, feel free to catch up with me during my last weeks here, and Swedes I'll see you soon!


Excuse my Swenglish: NZ, Job, Sweden, The Kooks, Halloween

(Excuse my Swenglish, and I hope things make sense, haven't really read it through). So many things have been happening lately. I have tried to write here like ten times since I came back from New Zealand, but I just haven't had time, or have been too tired to do it. But now I'm finally doing it! Life is like.. great right now! Have had the best day ever, and things are really going my way. This post is probably going to be really long, because I just have so many things to tell everybody that is interested in knowing what I'm doing over here in Australia! But well, just to summarise it to some of you that are too lazy to read the whole thing:

1. I've been in New Zealand.
2. I got a job.
3. School is going great, and I'm almost finished with school in Australia(!)
4. I'm going to stay in Aussie for longer than I planned
5. This one might be the craziest one for me: I'M GOING TO SEE THE KOOKS
6. It is my favourite time of the year, Halloween, and some makeup stuff
7. Some other great things in general
8. And finally, photooooos!

1. Yes, I've been in New Zealand, and yes it is exactly how it looks like in pictures and movies. It was just amazing. Me, Emma & Jessica rented a lovely camper van that we were driving around like crazy in. Everywhere we drove it felt like we were a part of a movie. The grass is actually greener on the other side.

Me and Jessica arrived one day earlier than Emma, and that day we mostly spent on fixing stuff for the rest of the trip. The next day we picked up our van and picked up emma at the airport. We didn't want to loose any time so we immediately started driving to the "red beach" that we had seen on pictures. Well, it wasn't exactly what we expected, but just actually being in NZ and be on our way on our adventure made us happy, so it didn't really matter. We decided to get going to our next stop, that we weren't supposed to drive to until the day after, and after we had been driving for a long while it didn't really make us happy to find that the road we were supposed to drive on was flooded by water. As we jumped out our car and were looking at each other we also realised that it started to darken, and that we had to find a place to stay for the night. Here comes the next fun thing: we jumped in the car again, and tried to start the car. We tried to. Something had happened in that minute we were outside the car and it didn't want to start, and we were in the middle of nowhere. Lucky enough it ended well, and after a while the car started again, we found a place to park the car and sleep on, and we had a cozy first night in the car after a long day.

Day number 3. The weather wasn't on our side at all during the whole trip, and we woke up to rain. Horse riding on the beach was planned for the day, and after that we were going to drive south to Glowworm caves and Hobbiton. The lovely weather lasted the whole horse ride, so instead of two hours we only took a one hour tour. Well, since I haven't been horse riding for maaaany years it still was really fun, and I think we all can agree on that. We actually felt that we had to take a shower after the horse riding, and drove to a camping nearby, but the owner wasn't really friendly and didn't let us pay to use the showers and recommended that we could use the ice-cold showers outside. What can you do when you are living in a van and don't have access to any showers? Well, at least we didn't get sick during the trip.

Day number 4. Waking up on a new place everyday was actually really exciting, especially when you were arriving when it was completely dark outside. On the Saturday we woke up to a lot of barking dogs, and rolled up the curtains to see that we were in the middle of an agility competition. Interesting. We had two of the things that we looked forward to the most planned on the Saturday: Glowworm caves and Hobbiton. I didn't get disappointed, really recommend both of them to anyone who is going to NZ. I don't feel like I have to explain Hobbiton, I guess most of you know what it is, and instead I'm just putting up some pictures. Glowworm caves on the other hand was an interesting place. You jumped on a boat in a completely dark cave, in complete silence. You were going by boat in the cave, with thousands of green worms in the ceiling that was glowing in the dark. I don't even know how to explain it, you have to go there.

In the evening we arrived to a small town (I think) and made an effort to try the nightlife there. At 10-11pm we gave up as we were way to tired and just went home sleeping to rest for the next day. Day number 5. Day number five was also interesting, we were really optimistic about the time it took driving to a place called Coromandel. It was a really beautiful drive to Coromandel, except for that we Swedes (okay maybe it was just me) that are used to good roads with safety barriers were scared to death of the precipices that was 10 centimeters from the road. I do not regret that we went there, but it was a long drive, and we had planned to drive back to Auckland the same day. So, after a food break in Coromandel it was just to start to drive the same way back again, and finally we arrived back to Auckland where we started. We had the sickest Sunday night out, and woke up really hungover on the Monday, and took the flight back home to beautiful Australia.

2. So that was me trying to tell you shortly about NZ. The same night as I came home from NZ I had a message from a job I had applied for the week before, and they took me in to try it out the day after! And yeah, I actually got the job. Wohooooo. I'm working at a dutch bakery just a five minute walk from where I live, and I am so happy about it! I really like it, even though I sometimes have to start at 5am. I actually think I like starting early, so it's not a problem, except for when the alarm is ringing haha.

3. Tomorrow I'm having a two-three minute long presentation, which also is my very last assignment for this semester, which also means that it's my last assignment in Australia. Wow, it feels scary to say that. But I shouldn't be sad about it, I still have four final exams to study for. Haha. And yeah, schools is going well in general. I do not recommend it, but last week I think I made like 80% of all the assignments I had for the whole semester. Yep, I was sitting from morning until night studying almost the whole week, but I actually made it! Today I'm feeling so relieved. Especially after having a ten minute long presentation, which to some people aren't long at all, but every time when I'm having a presentation I get reminded of shy me having a presentation in 8th grade. I was shaking that much that I dropped the paper I was holding in my hands. Not that anyone cared at all about it except for my good friends, but I don't think I ever will appreciate presentations.

4. I'm not sure if I told anyone when I'm actually going back to Sweden, and it is because I don't know. I was planning on coming back to Sweden over christmas, but now when I'm here why not stay as long as I can. When I got the job it gave me the opportunity to stay a bit longer, and my Visa isn't expiring until March, so yep, I'm probably staying until March for those of you who are wondering. Have to admit that I actually miss some things, and some people. Also I am moving out from Unicentral, but I feel that this post is getting too long, so I'm writing about that another time!

5.  It is really happening. I almost can't believe it myself. I am going to watch The Kooks live. After years of pure love I am actually going to see them. They have never been in the same country as me since I got in love with them, and now in January it is happening. Yes I am a bit too excited. Kind of starting shaking just by thinking about it. Wooooa.

6. I've had a great day in general, and now I realised that it is my favourite time of the year! It isn't really as the Halloween in Sweden, when its cold and dark outside, but I'm still excited. So, thank you all for watching my Halloween video! (Just kidding, I know its not you, but now when I'm talking about it you can click on it so that I can buy more latex for this Halloween :DDDD). Actually if I get my stuff in time, and if I manage to do it, there is a sick makeup coming up this year.

7.  Other great things in general: me and Emma have started boxing/thaiboxing on the beach, and it's just great. Allday, an Australian rapper, is just great, so all you Swedes out there should listen to him. A while ago I watched Far East Movement live, and that was also great. And this Saturday it was time for Beer Olympics again, and that was also great. Greatgreatgreat.

8. Pictuuuuuuures